Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Learning Lab Denmark Case Study Essay
Executive SummaryThe Shackletons Antarctic expedition, from 1914 to 1916, is a compelling flooring of drawing cardship when disaster strikes again and again. In words of David Foster W all toldace, Real leaders be people who help us overcome the limitations of our own soulfulness laziness and selfishness and weakness and fear. Q1- Has nameing and leadership at Learning Lab Denmark been effective so far? Why/Why not? What about organisational finish?A1- Organizational design is the pillar of from each one makeup. It is the deliberate process of configuring structures, processes, reward systems, and people practices to create an effective governing capable of achieving the business strategy. It is ongoing process and simply a vehicle for accomplishing the strategic tasks of the business. A well-designed organization helps anyone in the business do his/her job effectively. A poorly-designed organization (or an organization by default) creates barriers and frustrations for peop le both in spatial relation and outside the organization. Organizational design bear on by few key factors, which be1. Strategy2. Environment3. engine room4. HRLearning Lab Denmark was the Research and Development Institute which was established by the help of Danish Ministry of Business and Industry, the Ministry of Research and the Ministry of Education and the Private sectors. Like every organization, in LLD, at that place was an Organizational design to perform its job smoothly. In that organization, thither was a central unit which conducted all the the jobs like Management, Communication and gardening activities called Secretariat. It was an independent organization but affiliated with the Danish Pedagogical university (DPU). In LLD, there were twain senior managers, one was managing director and other was a research director.Research director was responsible for research jobs which were going on in all Consortia. The MD was to report to the boards and to oversee the organizations occasional operations. in that location were six consortia where in eachconsortia, a Consortium Director was deputed and under which many employees were working on different get words. The Consortium were Math and cognizance (MS)Neuroscience, Cognition and Learning (NCL)Play and Learning (PL)The Creative Alliance (TCA)Workplace Learning (WL)Tools for the Knowledge Based Organization (TKO)There was a dpartment under secretariate for sharing all the information and ensure an effective network of communication at bottom LLD. It overlap all the learnings mingled with all Consortia and between Consortia and Secretariat. It also jut out to LLD by developing a consortiums website. Secretariat also focused on the organizational socialization whether is was embodyed or not.In my meet, the Organizational design and leadership both were not so effective repayable to that Organization weared to perform. If we consider the basic key factors of Organization design, w e bring outing find 1. Startegy There was neglect of strategy. What we pay to do and what go forth be the tentative cartridge clip frame of completion of job. There was escape of experienced employees so that they couldnt make straitlaced strategy. 2. Environment There was no favourable work environment. Leaders were not able to communicate tight-lacedly. Each consortia was doing his own way. There was ego issue between two different departments and both were avoiding each other instructions. 3. Technology This was the research institute so the first thing which was required, adequate knowledge, experienced expertise, upgraded technologies. There was lack of all these things which led to fail the organization. 4. Human Resources The HR management was handled by DPU so there was big gap between the actual scenario inside the LLD and put to death cutn by DPU. DPU was not involved directly and there was no perfect communication networking between LLD and DPU.There was b ig dissatisfaction in the employees of LLD. One of the reasons to fail the LLD was weak leadership. In the eccentric person study, it was clear that the role of round top leaders was not effective. The CDs didnt follow the instructions which were suck upn by senior leaders. There was bigego issue between two departments. The CDs were doing their job in their own way. Organizational finale Organizational culture is the basic pillar of any organization. It decides the way to achieve the goal along with growth and great satisfaction of each and every employee. The culture depends on the few key factors which have been exposit below-1. Team Orientation microscope stage to which work is organized around teams rather than individuals 2. People Orientation Degree to which management decisions ask into account the effect on people in the organization 3. Attention to detail Degree to which employees are expected to exhibit precision, analysis and attention to detail 4. Stability Degree to which organizational decisions and actions emphasize maintaining the status. 5. Aggressiveness Degree to which employees are aggressive and competitive rather than cooperative. 6. Innovation & Risk Taking Degree to which employees are encouraged to be innovative and to take risks 7. Outcome Orientation Degree to which managers focus on results or outcomesSince in LLD, there was no any coordinate Organizational design so there was also lack of culture. There was no strategy according to which all consortia could perform. The consortia leader was not interested to follow the instruction of his senior management. The above described all factors are required to develop an organizational culture but in LLD, no any factors were lays.Q2 - What are the opportunities and scraps of designing and leading Learning Lab Denmark? A2- If any system fails it means that faced many challenges which couldnt be attended on the time. In the case of LLD, there were multiple challenges in d esigning and leading, which i have described below. 1. Establish the Hilton get laid Hilton experience means that the administrative side of LLD sustains the research side with supportive attitude where helpful procedures and routines make it easier, not harder, for the researcher to do their job. But in actual condition, there was lots of confliction between consortia and secretariat. 2. Common Culture and Identity MD and Research Director of LLD wanted to establish common culture and identity across all consortia but it was very clod since the project job of all consortia were different from each other, so the workingwas also different. 3. Establish the communication networking across LLD It was very big challenge to establish the ripe communication among Secretariat and Consortia and also among all Consortia. They didnt want any interruption in their working on the projects.4. financial Crisis Since LLD was an organization which was funded by Danish Govt. as well as Priva te investors. At the initial time when LLD was being established, the global market was facing recessions. The terrorist attacks on Sep11, 2001 further heightened pessimism. So, it became tough to collect the fund for the Organization. 5. Execution of LLD Research copy LLD has established a research model where the involvement of Stakeholders have been introduced directly with the researchers to give their inputs so that researchers suffer work in that direction and at the same time, Researchers can convince with their efforts to Stakeholders. But it was not established due to weak leadership of LLD top management. 6. enlisting of Researchers This was research institute so the employees should have high knowledge along with experienced, whole then research could be done in within time frame. This type of researchers could be recruited only when selectors having high knowledge.Other thing was the new inexperienced employees who got the first job of life in LLD, could be performe d as per view due to lack of job experience. This was the big challenge. 7. Work Environment A healthy and familiar work environment is required to perform well in the organization. This environment can be achieved by taking care of employee. For that a strong HR management should be there but in the LLD, this was deficient point. 8. Decision Taking pronouncement There should be the freedom to take decision regarding research to all consortia but this should be controlled by LLD top management.For this, a structural frame should be in the organization with right-hand(a) strategy. This was not in the LLD. 9. Get Result All stakeholders invest on the basis of functioning of the organization. They want results for that they invest the money. In LLD, only research work remained ongoing but results didnt deliver with full satisfaction and within time frame. It also remained challenge and reason for failure. 10. Confliction This was the big issue in the LLD and the main reason of the confliction between the employees was Power, Authority and gradable Status. The top management couldnt able to reply this confliction.There are so many opportunities where LLD management should focus and could be improved. Few points have been described below.1. Organizational Design There should be proper structured team in LLD by considering few factors like Strategy, Technology, Environment and Human Resource. This team should perform effectively. 2. Communication Networking Communication networking to be strengthen and for communication, there should be a proper channel which should not be bypassed in any case. Communication should be monitored by senior management effectively. What to be dual-lane with stakeholders, what to be requested to investors, what to be ordered to researchers these all things should be monitored properly. 3. Recruitment Since the core business of this organization was research so the employee recruitment should be on the basis of real merit a nd experience.4. Training If employees having less job-experienced then there should be a training cell where the researchers can be developed by training. 5. Feedback System There should be proper feedback system for the ongoing projects status and it should be monitored on regular basis. 6. Fund Arrangement There should be proper team for fund accruement. Team has ability to convince the investors. They should make other strategy to draw the attention of investors. 7. Execution of LLD Research Model The research model established by LLD was very good but it was not executed due to having oftentimes confliction between the top management of LLD and Consortia leaders. So, it should be role of top leaders that the good model should be executed effectively. 8. Resolves Confliction There was too much confliction on the thoughts among the LLD and it created tension. The tension was created due to Power, Authority, Hierarchical Status and this was continued due to unwillingness of senior management. The senior leader should take their responsibilities and perform effectively.Q3- Identify tensions, problems, issues, paradoxes, characteristics and dilemmas that make organizational design and leadership ongoing challenges in new ventures much(prenominal) as LLD. What is distinctive about LLDs design? A3- In LLD, there was tension between the Broker team (Communicator) and the Consortium Director and its related to whether the element team is a Service Team that executes orders/requests issued by the CDs or a TechnoStructure that can issue orders/requests to the CDs. The tension was related to three main issues Power, Authority and Hierarchical Status. The problem was that the more the broker team acts as if it is a technocratic structure, the more CDs resist. The paradox underlined the organization-wide tension between Standardization and Variability. The communicator team emphasized on stability and standardization as it represented secretariat of LLD where a s the CDs fostered variability because they resisted the brokers initiatives.They accepted, the brokers are right when they say that no procedure includes all local conditions but we are also resisting because the procedures minimize our autonomy. The consortia people also resisted to follow the standardization procedures due to which the secretariat was facing big challenge to deliver on the idea of being a Hilton experience. They were frustrated with LLDs organizational bureaucracy, which they believed was constraining their efforts unnecessarily. Another problem was in the relationship between LLD and DPU. LLDs managers and employees knew they belonged to DPU as an independent unit, but never viewed their organization as a part of DPU.Even though all LLDs budget including salaries was paid through and through DPUs administration, LLDs administrators feared that if they used this bureaucracy, LLD would become like DPU means very slow, dusty and inefficient. According to LLDs perso nnel, they were facing some human resource problem. They verbalise that their salaries were not released on time by DPU. There was some management issue, due to which two Chief Financial Officers had resigned within 18 months and the reason shared was the perceived difficulty of serving as the interface between the two organizations.The LLDs Organizational design was different in the case that only two senior managements were involved and MD was to oversee the organizational daily operations. There was confliction in the team due to having issues like Power, Authority and Hierarchical Status. The employees didnt view their organization as a part of DPU whereas LLD was administratively governed by DPU. It showed there was no effective leadership.Q4- As a leader, how do you prepare for and manage the difficulties and challenges determine in questions 2 and 3? Consider actions, strategies andtechniques that you might want to take/use. Be specific and illustrate with examples?A4- In t his case study, i have set many difficulties and challenges and Being a leader, here i am explaining my remedial action to resolve those challenges. 1. Organizational Design I would like to frame a design where responsibilities of everyone would be described and everyone will have to perform according to that. I would like to make a team on the basis of Strategy, Environment, Technology and Human Resource. I would introduce every consortia, a leader under whom a technical and managerial employee will work. Managerial employee will look later on the basic needs of all involved researchers. And Technical employee will take reports on daily basis from the researchers and talk about their demands for doing project smoothly. Both will report to Consortia head. Consortia head will power to take decision for his consortia work and decide the time frame with responsibilities. Now in Secretariat, similarly, one top leader will be under whom a research director, a finance head, a HR head w ill work.Research Director will take report from all Consortia head. Finance head will manage all funding for LLD and head a cell which will work for fund collection by involving investors. HR head will look after all the basic needs of all employees across LLD. The head of Secretariat will take report from all three heads and take appropriate actions for the organization. He will shared the key points with DPU, Danish Govt. And Stakeholders. The all consortia head will be presumable to follow the instructions given by all three heads, whom he will report and discuss the issue. 2. Communication Networking Communication networking will be affected by leadership quality. If the above design will work effectively, the communication will remain strong. 3. Recruitment and Training The HR will be responsible for recruitment and there will be selector team in which a technical and managerial employee will be involved for selection of researchers. In the selection, they will have to give priority to those who have much job experience and having higher degree of knowledge. Few researchers can be selected who have no much job experience but for those, there would be manage a training program on regular interval to increase their skills.4. Financial Establishment The finance dept will be responsible for thefunding arrangement. They will make different teams in which one will be in tweak with every consortia and review their financial demands like equipments for experiment and other basic requirements, one will be responsible to review current cash spatial relation and their expenditure plan, keep previous expenditure report, one will be responsible to involve investors, stakeholders by convincing with the performance of the organization, make some investiture schemes., one will be responsible to review current market condition, take care of investors who has become partner in the organization.5. Get Result The organization is Research and Development Institute, s o its growth will depend on the completion of projects within time frame. For this, every consortia head will be responsible for completion of all projects within time frame and share the way forward plan, if any projects doesnt complete in within time frame. To involve the investors, everyone will keep honesty in his work. For this, HR team will responsible to arrange the meeting between investors and respective consortia at regular time of interval along with research head, so that every investors can remain updated with the ongoing research.6. Confliction This is the big challenge for any organization. This can only be resolved by the effective organizational design. It is the responsibility of the top leader to define the responsibility along with power and level of freedom to take decision on any topic. According to me, i will define the decision taking authority with the power and Hierarchical status. The HR department will be responsible whether the things are being followed or not. Whatever decision is taken by higher management, it should be followed by every employee.7. Organizational Culture Organizational culture is the basic pillar of any organization. It decides the way to achieve the goal along with growth and great satisfaction of each and every employee. The culture depends on the few key factors which are, Team Orientation, People Orientation, Stability, Aggressiveness, Innovation & Risk Taking, Outcome Orientation. In my leadership, i will assure the organizational key factors are being followed or not.Q5- What should Vaaland and Jensen do?A5- Being Managing Director, Marianne Stang Vaaland had much power to handlethe all obstacles. There are two types of obstacles one can be controlled by your efforts since the reason of the obstacle remains known but another type of obstacle comes due to external agencies which is not in your hand and take much time to control that, like recession, market condition, investors demand etc. Vaaland should f orm an effective organizational design along with responsibility. He should take action if there is any deviation. Similarly being Research Director, Hans Siggaard Jensen should define the working responsibility of all researchers along with tentative time frame. He should take honest feedback from each consortia on regular basis and suggest if he founds any deviation.At first, Vaaland should resolve all the confliction by distribute the Power and Authority on Hierarchical base so that a healthy work environment can be developed. Both should have assured that researchers which are being selected will give benefit to the organization. It means selection process should be effective. If any researcher is selected who has less experience but having capability to learn and grow, for such type of researchers, there should be training cell. Both should have reviewed the market scenario and investors demand and according to that they should establish the working model. They should develop s uch type of organizational culture where whatsoever decision has been taken by both of them that should be followed by their sub-ordinates. Before establish any working model, both should discuss with their sub-ordinates.Both should make a strategy to collect the fund by providing different type of schemes for their investors. They should make a cell that looks after only the fund collection job. Both should have assured the project completion time frame so that investors can faith on the organization. It gives a positive message in the market and it helps to drag the investors. Both should have established the proper networking for communication and taking feedback. No one should have confliction on this. Both should have enforced to establish the Hilton Experience effectively between Secretariat and all Consortia.Q6- What lessons can you draw from LLD? What LLD a success?A6- The case study Organizing From Scratch Learning Lab Denmark Experience is truly having great lesson for all the leaders. In myopinion, LLD was a big failure due to weak leadership and having no any strategic plan to run the organization for long time, achieve the targets, lack of organizational culture, inexperienced work force and weak financial condition. Here I am sharing the key points which I have learned from the case study to run any organization effectively- Importance of effective and structured Organizational Design.
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